Ghana Study Tour Report

This report is based on findings from a Study Tour conducted in Accra, Ghana form April 7-14, 2019, by a team comprising Hon. Saah Joseph of the house of Senate, Commissioner Israel Akinsanya of the LT Board of Commissioners, The Deputy Minister for Technical Services of the MoPT, The LTA UAF Coordinator, The PIU Coordinator and the M&E Officer of the PIU. Due to the goal of the tour, the process was implemented as a typical research proposal with general and specific foci.

Generally, the report catalogues the method of data collection, the type of data collected and the format of the analysis of the data. Specifically, it serves two capacities first as formal minutes or report of the trip, and second, as a technical report intended to provide information and recommendations to inform decisions of LTA commissioners and the administrators of the UAF on best practices on the implementing of UAF projects in Liberia.

In addition to a brief abstract and background, the report is comprised of an executive summary which presents a compressed version of the conceptual framework that girds the whole research process, the findings and implications.

The executive summary is followed by a methods section, an analysis of the data collected and lessons learnt, and recommendations. An appendix section contains the relevant references and charts intended to explicate the analysis or meta-analysis of the data.